Monday, August 30, 2010

What I Love about this place...

Home… yuppers, I really love this place.

Let me count the ways.

I love having DakotaDawg back with me even if she seems to love someone else even better. I love her even after I bathe her and walk her and then bring her home to play in the yard… then she decides that something on the ground has a better scent than DawgieShampoo.

I love that after her third bath in two days she is somewhat improved in the DawgieOdor category and no longer smells like what a little kid’s ‘mell my finger does.

I love waking in the morning to coffee that I make that actually tastes like cawfee.

I love the 2% milk much more than vacation 1% milk. I thought if people wanted milk that did not taste like milk or coffee that did not taste like cawfee that maybe they should add the water for themselves to thin it.

I love drinking cawfee out of my special cup made especially for that purpose. I especially love that it tastes like cawfee.

I love my kitties even the LittleOrangeTalkingKitty despite the fact that he is indeed a BedHawg and two of them are not the Purrfect Kitty and can’t seem to keep their food down. I love especially the PurrfectKitty even though she has no faults except too much white hair that she likes to decorate the floor and furniture with.

I love being able to watch the US Open Tennis on my own TV.

I love sleeping in my own bed AND on my side of my bed.

I love that when I wake up in the middle of the nite and have to go to the bathroom that the bathroom is where it has been for the last 23 years.

I love that the bathroom is not across the hall and all the doors don’t stick, groan and squeak when I open them.

I love that Jaws, Hoover, Roomba, Moby Dick, Spot and all the other little fishies are still in the same school in my fishpond and that they still remember what to do when I put KittieKibbles in the pond for them.

I love that I have hummingbirds finally coming to the hummingbird feeder.

I love living somewhere where my friends can be bribed by fresh homemade bread to drop us at the airport and pick us up when we finally get home with Organic 2% milk for my cawfee.

I love that Charlene still remembers that I like the fresh fish and how much of it I want when I go grocery shopping.

I love that Tallahassee is home and no one keeps changing my towels in the bathroom leaving fewer and fewer everyday.

I love my OLD Toyota Land Cruiser and it starts when I turn the key.

Did I mention that I love being home and the fact that if we go to the beach it is not going to cost us $15 or $21 a day to park the car?

And, did I mention how much I love DakotaDawg in her bed near my recliner right next to that lamp that has so much character that I love so much?

© steven d philbrick sr+ DakotaDawg 08/30/2010

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