Friday, August 13, 2010

Confusion... Maybe, maybe not.


Confusion... Maybe, maybe not.

People keep telling me I am confused. I keep plugging along endeavoring to convince them they are.

No single point of view is held by everyone. I do not search for converts to mine.

One’s long-range overall viewpoint depends entirely upon their perspective. Tunnel vision interferes with a universal appreciation of life and the ability to be grateful for others diverse beliefs. Many people hold on to their own beliefs by surrounding themselves only with those that agree with them. They burrow deeper into their constricting shafts. The passageways get smaller and smaller until turning is impossible. Reversing direction around is also hopeless. As people age they tend to do this more and more.

Many of these people support pundits on radio and television who ridicule their opposition, their enemies and rivals who interfere with the search for truth. They do not show why or if their own beliefs are correct. Instead they intimidate and belittle their foes. They polarize their audiences. It is significantly easier for them to take issue with a belief, discounting it and mocking it then it is to provide factual proof that an assertion is wrong and something else is correct. This ignorance guised as credible Socratic Method ceases to be entertaining or productive. If someone is yelling in the media I have determined that they have little valid to say or at least for me to listen to. I am going to change the channel and head in a new direction.

If enough people think the world is flat that does not make it true. When they shriek that their way of thinking is the only correct one does that give it more credence? Is it possible people that still think the universe revolves around the earth are not seeing the big picture?

Like my old friend the professor, I quest for order in my life. Confusion is thought of as a principal roadblock to stability. Avoiding things that are counterproductive to order is a new life goal. A limited amount of confusion may be necessary to obtain truth and tranquility.

I am going to try to cultivate a diverse existence, strike up new friendships. I think it is possible that on almost all things there is more than one valid point of view. Maybe ours is a world of parallel universes. I am going to adopt this as likelihood. Plausibly, this might not be my best tactic. It will though expose me to new thinking.

Sometimes listening to too many opinions can cause bewilderment. I am willing to take that risk. Order will come from chaos.

I have a theory. Vires, artes, mores. Veritas vos liberabit.

Maybe I am confused. Maybe not.
© 07.08.2010 steven d philbrick SR+ DakotaDawg


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