Gee, It’s Natalie Dee.
A friend I never met introduced me to someone else I haven’t met either. In the day of the Interweb that isn’t so unusual. People are searching for dates and mates everyday in every way.
Sometimes I forget more than I remember. Hitting my head on an open cabinet door doesn’t help and Google took me where I had not really intended to go. I will just go with it.
Thinking of something to type and post everyday is not that difficult. It is thinking of something to type that is worth posting everyday that is.
Today I am going to give any readers a break and more amusement than would be available here if I continue to type. Despite encouragement, DakotaDawg did not do anything truly special today.
Natalie Dee has stuff on the interweb that is over seven years old. It is her blog… a history of what she was thinking about in cartoons instead of straight text. Her portal is From there it is possible to view every cartoon she has posted with a few clicks of the button on the right links.
If you get bored with the artist you can always go back and
© 07.24.2010 steven d philbrick SR+ DakotaDawg
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