Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oligarchy, Subservience or Revolt?

There should be more options. Sometime rulers and ruled have not a clue of the inequity of this type of system that continues to emerge. Oligarchy is cliquish and fosters abuse of power.

Eccentricity is not welcomed in an oligarchy and although it is necessary for any system to flourish, it is treated like a parasite bacteria set to devastate the organism. Pushing those out that do not toe the line weakens the fabric of an entire organization as it continues to strengthen the cliques in power.

“To adhere to rules or doctrines conscientiously; conform” (American Heritage) is one definition of toe the line. It is the conformity that is demanded by oligarchy. It is not the conscientious part of it that is required or even wanted. It is far easier to force conformity on the unconscious. When one walks in a fog it is hard to know if one’s head is in the clouds.

Diversity is the key to strength. When any system loses its diversity it begins to ebb. As the gene pool gets homogenized small dilemmas are magnified to a point they become overwhelming. An insurmountable crisis will eventually arise and the medicine to cure the patient may become so poisonous that its use is inadvisable.

Multidimensionalism may be the cure rather than subservience or even revolt since it is not the usual that fascinates or leads to the exceptional.

I recommend watching a full compliment of Dali interviews starting with - Arena - Salvador Dali (1 of 7)… It will take some time. I suspect The History of Chaos Theory is hidden in there somewhere.

© 09.25.2010 stevendphilbrick SR+ DakotaDawg

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