“By the time I recognized this moment; this moment will be gone.” Maybe not but that does not seem to bring clarity.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/clarity -
clar•i•ty /ˈklærɪti/ [klar-i-tee]
1. clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.
2. the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye; pellucidity: the clarity of pure water…
1. intelligibility, exactness, simplicity.
I beg to differ. Intelligibility and exactness are functions of clarity. They do not imply or can be replaced by simplicity since simplicity can be even as unclear as something complex or convoluted. Granted something of simplicity may have intelligibility and be exact but it still can remain incomprehensible (like this argument). I strive for clarity though often fall short of the mark.
Poetry, prose and songwriting have the unique characteristic of having remarkable clarity while often far from transparent. It is up to the poet, author or songwriter to make the intention and meaning of a piece discernable; it remains the responsibility of the one processing the information to define that in the unique way it applies to them. When they have achieved that then they have reached a clarity that may remain clear only to them.
Many original thinkers intentionally obfuscate to obtain clarity. This appears counterintuitive but this tactic works quite well. Obfuscation normally leads to initial confusion but inevitably the consequence is clarity. Baffling, befuddling and bewildering an audience or our peers is a sure way to insure that they get the point if they are not lost in the process. If camouflaging the intent or the message is successful then when the intent is finally revealed it is most clearly understood and remembered. Mentors and teachers utilize this technique frequently to drive home a point.
Simple things simply do not seem as important as more complicated things. It is as simple as that.
What is my point? Usually it is something very simple but it often takes the Devil’s Advocate to reveal that.
Is that clear‽
© 09.30.2010 stevendphilbrick SR+ DakotaDawg
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